wm John Collett Shihan is the Shibu-cho or Branch Dojo Leader of the Minami Bankokuden dojo, the Dojo of All Nations Southern Branch. Collett Shihan is a long-time student of both Raymond LEA Dento no Kyoju of the Kokusai Jujutsu Kenkyukai and Tino CEBERANO Hanshi OAM of the Sekai Kushindo Kobujutsu Kenkyukai.
Collett Shihan assists Professor Lea with the ongoing research into the Jujutsu, Kuatsu and Hakuda Kenpo of the late Kam Hock HOE Dento no Kyoju and on the documentation of these skills and methods that were traditionally transmitted orally. Collett Shihan also works closely with Ceberano Hanshi as a senior Goju-kenpo practitioner and as the Technical Leader of the Sekai Kushindo Kobujutsu Kenkyukai's Goju-kobujutsu discipline.
He is particularly interested in the Nage-waza and Kuatsu of Professor HOE and the integration of these methods with the Goju-kenpo of Ceberano Hanshi.
He is the author of the MA-IAP - Martial Arts Instructor Accreditation Programme, a joint venture training initiative of the Kokusai Jujutsu Kenkyukai (IJRS), the Sekai Kushindo Kobujutsu Kenkyukai (SKKK) and the Kokusai Bugei Hozonkai (IMAPS). A programme that is designed to equip new martial arts instructors with information to help them become exceptional teachers.
Hyou-ha Bankoku Jujutsu consists of techniques and methodologies taught to Professor Raymond LEA, Saiko Shihan of the Kokusai Jujutsu Kenkyukai by the late Professor Kam Hock HOE.
The curriculum taught by Professor Lea at his Bankokuden Sohonbu Dojo located in Brisbane, Australia, consists of Nage-waza, Katame-waza, Karame-waza Osae-waza, Shime-waza, Hakuda Kenpo and Kuatsu along with other supporting methodologies.
Ceberano-ha Kushindo Kobujutsu is the Comprehensive Bujutsu system taught by Tino CEBERANO Hanshi at the Kushinden, the Sohonbu Dojo of the Sekai Kushindo Kobujutsu Kenkyukai or World Kushindo Classical Martial Arts Research Society, located in Brisbane, Australia.
Kushindo* Kobujutsu combines the Goju-kenpo that Ceberano Hanshi learnt from YAMAGUCHI Gogen Hanshi, the traditional Filipino weapons and unarmed systems of Goju-kalis that he learnt from his father and other notable Filipino martial arts practitioners, for example, Grandmaster Rodillo "Rodel" DAGOOC and Goju-kobujutsu, the traditonal Japanese self-defence methods of Yawara.
* The Name "Kushin" 空神, interpreted as "Free Spirit," was given to Ceberano Hanshi by YAMAGUCHI Hanshi to use as the name for his personal interpretation of the martial arts he learnt from his masters.
The Kokusai Bugei Hozonkai or the International Martial Arts Preservation Society (IMAPS) was established in 2015 to provide support to small and independant martial arts clubs.
IMAPS is a low cost, non-interfering, non-political organisation that can assist members by providing assistance with advice, development, organisation and member promotion.
The MA-IAP Martial Arts Instructor Accreditation Programme is a joint venture between the Kokusai Jujutsu Kenkyukai, the Sekai Kushido Kobujutsu Kenkyukai and the Kokusai Bugei Hozonkai.
The programme is designed to provide new martial arts instructors with information that will assist them in becoming the best possible teachers and role models for thier students.
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