Bankokuden Dojo

Bugei  in  the  Barossa  ​Valley

Goju-kenpo  剛柔拳法  Goju Fist Method or, if you prefer, Ceberano-ha Goju-ryu Karatejutsu, is Ceberano Hanshi’s karate method.   This method builds on the legacy of YAMAGUCHI Gogen Hanshi as he expressed it at his Zen’nihon  Karate-do Senmon Gaku  全日本空手道専門学校, the All Japan Karate-do Special School, known colloquially as the All Japan Karate College, located below Yamaguchi's home in the Tokyo suburb of Suginami.

Yamaguchi Hanshi taught much more than Goju-ryu karate at his karate college, he had instructors from other forms of karate, Shotokan, Shito-ryu, and Wado-ryu and well as Okinawan Kobujutsu from INOUE Motokatsu Hanshi, headmaster of Yushin-kai karatejutsu and the Ryukyu Kobujutsu Hozon Shinkokai 琉球 古武術 保存 新古会 or Ryukyu Ancient Martial Arts Preservation Society. Teaching the Okinawan weapons arts of Master TAIRA Shinken. Yamaguch Hanshi also taugh Shinshin-toitsu-do or Japanese Yoga at the college.  

          Yamaguchi Gogen Hanshi

The Sekai Kushino Kobujutsu Kenkyukai Goju-kenpo is organised under a sub-department called the Kokusai Goju-kenpo Kenkyukai  国際剛柔拳法研究会 International Goju Fist Method Research Society or IGK   剛柔拳法  Goju Fist Method or, if you prefer, Ceberano-ha Goju-ryu Karatejutsu, is Ceberano Hanshi’s karate method. 

This method builds on the legacy of YAMAGUCHI Gogen Hanshi as he expressed it at his Zen’nihon  Karate-do Senmon Gaku  全日本空手道専門学校, the All Japan Karate-do Special School, known colloquially as the All Japan Karate College, located below Yamaguchi's home in the Tokyo suburb of Suginami.

         Entrance to the Senmon Gakku

The Goju-kenpo Kenkyukai syllabus is build around the skills and methods found in the kata of Yamaguchi-ha Goju-ryu karatejutsu with the addition of kata and kihon found in the following Uchinadi  沖縄 ⼿  or Okinawa-te traditions:

Nafadi  那覇手  (Japanese Naha-te) or Naha Hand – Karate from the Naha District including Goju-ryu.

Tumaidi  泊手  (Japanese Tomari-te) or Tomari Hand – Karate from the Tomari District, the Gohakukai, Motobu-ryu and Shorinji-ryu traditions.

Suidi  首里手  (Japanese Shuri-te) or Shuri Hand – Karate from the Shuri District - The various Shorin-ryu traditions.

Okinawa Baihe Quan  沖縄白鶴拳  Okinawa Hakkaku-ken or Okinawan White Crane Fist - Kingai-ryu 金硬流 and the various Southern Chinese traditions found in Okinawa.

In addition to the karatejutsu techniques you would expect to find senior students of Goju-kenpo are also required to acquire competency in:

First Aid - must have current "Apply First Aid" certification or equivalent.

Kuatsu - Three levels of certification in Traditional Japanese Rescusitation and Treatment Methods and Attacking Vital Points as directed by the headmaster.

Goju-kobjutsu - Multiple levels of certification in tradtional Japanese Kobujutsu as directed by the headmaster.

Goju-kalis - Multiple levels of certification in tradtional Filipino Martial Arts as directed by the headmaster.

Intructor Accreditation - Senior student that wish to become instructors are required to complete the MA-IAP Martial Arts Instructor Accreditation Programme.

How is Goju-kenpo Progress Measured?

As students’ progress through their Goju-kenpo training they will be qualify for progress awards.

Mudansha 無段者 students, that is, students that have not yet achieved a dan grade, both Junior and adult, train towards what are known as Kyu Grades, commonly called "coloured belt" grades, the actual meanings of kyu are "class" "rank" or "grade." 
Mudansha grades progress as follows:

Mukyu 無​級 10th Kyu Novice or White Belts
Kukyu 九級 / 玖級 9th Kyu Yellow Belt
Hachikyu 八級 / ​捌級 8th Kyu Yellow Belt with one (1) Green bar
Nanakyu 七級 / ​漆級 7th Kyu Yellow Belt with two (2) Green bars
Rokukyu 級 / ​陸級 6th Kyu Green Belt
Gokyu 五級 / ​伍級 5th Kyu ​Green Belt with one (1) Brown bar
Yonkyu 四級 / ​肆級 4th Kyu ​Green Belt with two (2) ​Brown bars
Sankyu 三級 / ​参級 3rd Kyu Brown Belt
Nikyu 二級 / ​弐級 2nd Kyu ​Brown Belt with one (1) Black bar
Ikkyu 一級 / ​弐級 1st Kyu ​Brown Belt with two (2) ​Black bars
Shodan-ho 初段補 Probationery Black Belt 1st Level

Yudansha 有段者 students, that is, students that have achieved a entry level dan grade, both Junior and adult, train towards what are known as Dan Grades, commonly called "black belt" grades, the actual meanings of dan are "grade," "steps" or "stairs." 
Yudansha grades progress as follows:

Shodan 初段 Black Belt 1st Level
Nidan 二​段 / ​弐段 Black Belt 2nd Level
Sandan 三段 / ​参​段 Black Belt 3trd Level
Yondan 四​段 / ​肆​段 Black Belt 4th Level

Note: Junior students will normally be limited to Shodan and Nidan unless otherwise authorised by the headmaster

Kodansha 高段者 students, that is, students that have achieved a senior level dan grade, also train towards what are known as Dan Grades, but at a more senior level.  Kodansha grades progress as follows:

Godan 五​段 / ​​伍段 Black Belt 5th Level
Rokudan 六​段 / ​陸段 Black Belt 6th Level
Nanadan 七段 / ​漆​段 Black Belt 7th Level
Hachidan 八​段 / ​捌​段 Black Belt 8th Level
Kudan 九​段 / 玖​段 Black Belt 9th Level
Jun Judan 準十​段 / ​準拾​段 Provisional Black Belt 10th Level - Seniors designated to assist the headmasters successor
Judan 十段 / ​肆​段 Black Belt 10th Level

Shogo ​称号 Teaching Titles
Yudansha and Kodansha students may be awarded titles to recognise their contribution to the society. These individuals may, ig they choose to, wear a different coloured belt that indicates their status as a title holder. The society may award the following titles:

Senpai 先輩 A Senior Student Typically back belt students under Sandan - Senpai wear a plain black belt
Sensei 先生 A Teacher Typically students Sandan or above - Sensei wear a plain black belt
Kyouren 教練 An Experienced Student Typically Sandan or above but not a qualified instructor
Must wear a plain black belt 
Shidouin 指導員 An Assistant Instructor Sandan or above assigned to a dojo to assist a more experienced intructor
May wear a black belt with a  thin red stripe along the centre of the belt
Jokyou 助教 An Assigned Senior Student Typically Yondan or above assigned to assist at an established dojo
May wear a black belt with a  thin red stripe along the centre of the belt
Renshi 練士 An Experienced Teacher Typically Yondan or above
May wear a longitudinally split belt with one half red and the other half white
Worn with the red half on top
Shihan 師範 A Senior teacher Typically Godan or above
May choose to wear a longitudinally split belt with one half red and the other 
half black - Worn with the red half on top
Kyoushi 教士 An Expert teacher Typically Rokudan or above
    RokudanKyoushi may wear a red and white section belt
    NanadanKyoushi may wear a red and black section belt
Hanshi 範士 A Master teacher Hachidan or above
    HachidanHanshi may wear an All-Red Belt with White ends 
    KudanHanshi may wear an All-Red Belt with Black ends
    Jun Judan
Hanshi may wear an All-Red Belt with Black ends and a single 
   Gold stripe across the black section at each end
    JudanHanshi may wear an All-Red Belt