Bankokuden Dojo

Bugei  in  the  Barossa  ​Valley

The Sekai Kushindo Kobujutsu Kenkyukai  世界空神道古武術研究会  or World Kushindo Classical Martial Arts Research Society is the organisational umbrella that supports Master Tino CEBERANO Hanshi's Kushindo Kobujutsu.   Kushindo Kobujutsu combines traditional Japanese/Okinawan Karatejutsu with classical Japanese Bujutsu and Filipino Martial Arts to form what might be termed a well-rounded Sogo Bugei 総合武芸 or Comprehensive Martial Art.   Kushindo Kobujutsu consists of four integrated departments as follows:  

Goju-kenpo  剛柔拳法  Goju Fist Method: Traditional Yamaguchi-ha Goju-ryu Karatejutsu as taught to Ceberano Hanshi by YAMAGUCHI Gogen Hanshi of the International Karatedo Goju-kai.