Bankokuden Dojo

Bugei  in  the  Barossa  ​Valley

Apr 22nd 2023 Sydney Australia: IMAPS/Kaisei-ryu Jujutsu Grading

Collett Shihan represented Raymond Lea Dento no Kyoju and the Kokusai Bugei Hozonkai as the Shinsa Kaicho 審査会長 Chief Examiner at a Kaisei-ryu Jujutsu grading day held at Avalon, New South Wales, Australia.

Only one person, Ms. Lara VALANTINE, attempted grading to shodan. It was a long and arduous grading with little in the way of rest for the only candidate.

Lara demonstrated good form and effective technique as well as good stamina, she succesfully completed all tasks required by the seniors of Kaisei-ryu Jujutsu - well done Lara, now the hard work starts!