Bankokuden Dojo

Bugei  in  the  Barossa  ​Valley

Tino Ceberano Hanshi was born in Hawai'i. His parents had emigrated to Hawai'i from the Philippines. Hanshi began training in the martial arts at a young age before settling on the karate of YAMAGUCHI Gogen Hanshi (​山口 剛玄 1909 – 1989,) Yamaguchi-ha Goju-ryu karate.

In 1966 after he retired from the US Marine Corps Ceberano Hanshi received his Sandan, 3rd Dan, from Yamaguchi Hanshi and at Yamaguchi Hanshi’s direction emmigrated to Australia with his family. 

He immediately set about introducing the relatively unknown martial art of karate to the people of Australia. 

From small beginnings his school of Goju-ryu Karate became one of the most widely practiced karate traditions in Australia. This is due in no small part to the skill and dedication of Ceberano, Hanshi.

Goju-kenpo  剛柔 拳法 Goju Fist Method - the traditional Goju-ryu karatejutsu that Ceberano Hanshi learnt from Yamaguchi Gogen Hanshi  - Managed by the Kokusai Goju-kenpo Kenkyukai 国際 剛柔拳法 研究会 the International Goju-ryu Karatejutsu Research Society.

Ceberano Hanshi teaching the Goju-ryu Technique Kaki-te